Spring Guides Spring 官方指南实现




为了强化spring的学习和完成以前的spring项目,从3月10号起,每天做两个spring官方基础的指南,或者一个Topical Guides或者一个Tutorialshttps://spring.io/guides/#getting-started-guides


GitHub地址: https://github.com/tcpgnl
bilibili地址: https://space.bilibili.com/472620361


第一部分 Getting Started Guides (15-30分钟)

序号 题目 GitHub地址 bilibili地址 预期完成时间 最终完成时间
1 Building a RESTful Web Service 3-10
2 Scheduling Tasks 3-10
3 Consuming a RESTful Web Service 3-11
4 Building Java Projects with Gradle 3-11
5 Building Java Projects with Maven 3-12
6 Accessing Relational Data using JDBC with Spring 3-12
7 Uploading Files 3-13
8 Authenticating a User with LDAP 3-13
9 Messaging with Redis 3-14
10 Messaging with RabbitMQ 3-14
11 Accessing Data with Neo4j 3-15
12 Validating Form Input 3-15
13 Building a RESTful Web Service with Spring Boot Actuator 3-16
14 Messaging with JMS 3-16
15 Creating a Batch Service 3-17
16 Securing a Web Application 3-17
17 Building a Hypermedia-Driven RESTful Web Service 3-18
18 Accessing Data in Pivotal GemFire 3-18
19 Integrating Data 3-19
20 Caching Data with Pivotal GemFire 3-19
21 Managing Transactions 3-20
22 Accessing Data with JPA 3-20
23 Accessing Data with MongoDB 3-21
24 Serving Web Content with Spring MVC 3-21
25 Converting a Spring Boot JAR Application to a WAR 3-22
26 Creating Asynchronous Methods 3-22
27 Handling Form Submission 3-23
28 Building an Application with Spring Boot 3-23
29 Using WebSocket to build an interactive web application 3-24
30 Working a Getting Started guide with STS 3-24
31 Consuming a RESTful Web Service with AngularJS 3-25
32 Consuming a RESTful Web Service with rest.js 3-25
33 Consuming a RESTful Web Service with jQuery 3-26
34 Enabling Cross Origin Requests for a RESTful Web Service 3-26
35 Consuming a SOAP web service 3-27
36 Accessing JPA Data with REST 3-27
37 Accessing Neo4j Data with REST 3-28
38 Accessing MongoDB Data with REST 3-28
39 Accessing Data in Pivotal GemFire with REST 3-29
40 Producing a SOAP web service 3-29
41 Caching Data with Spring 3-30
42 Deploying to Cloud Foundry from STS 3-30
43 Spring Boot with Docker 3-31
44 Working a Getting Started guide with IntelliJ IDEA 3-31
45 Creating CRUD UI with Vaadin 4-1
46 Service Registration and Discovery 4-1
47 Centralized Configuration 4-2
48 Routing and Filtering 4-2
49 Circuit Breaker 4-3
50 Client Side Load Balancing with Ribbon and Spring Cloud 4-3
51 Testing the Web Layer 4-4
52 Accessing data with MySQL 4-4
53 Creating a Multi Module Project 4-5
54 Creating API Documentation with Restdocs 4-5
55 Messaging with Google Cloud Pub/Sub 4-6
56 Building a Reactive RESTful Web Service 4-6
57 Consumer Driven Contracts 4-7
58 Accessing Vault 4-7
59 Vault Configuration 4-8
60 Accessing Data Reactively with Redis 4-8
61 Deploying a Spring Boot app to Azure 4-9
62 Building a Gateway 4-9
63 Client-Side Load-Balancing with Spring Cloud LoadBalancer 4-10
64 Spring Cloud Stream 4-10
65 Spring Cloud Data Flow 4-11
66 Spring Cloud Task 4-11
67 Spring Boot Kubernetes 4-12
68 Accessing data with R2DBC 4-12
69 Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker Guide 4-13

第二部分 Topical Guides (<60分钟)

序号 题目 GitHub地址 bilibili地址 预期完成时间 最终完成时间
1 Spring Security Architecture 4-13
2 Spring Boot Docker 4-14

第三部分 Tutorials (2-3小时)

序号 题目 GitHub地址 bilibili地址 预期完成时间 最终完成时间
1 Building REST services with Spring 4-15
2 Spring Security and Angular 4-16
3 React.js and Spring Data REST 4-17
4 Spring Boot and OAuth2 4-18
5 Building web applications with Spring Boot and Kotlin 4-19

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Source: github.com/k4yt3x/flowerhd